HFCU Text Alerts

We'd love to keep you updated about important information and announcements.

You can sign up for texts, so you always know what's going on

Let's keep in touch! That way you can receive helpful information and announcements to stay informed.
  1. Scan the QR code with your mobile device, or just text HoustonFCU to (833) 739-4328.
  2. Reply “Yes” to start receiving texts.
  3. Save this number in your phone as “HFCU Text Alerts” so you always know you're receiving legitimate messages from us.
  4. Share with your family and friends.
Opt-in QR Code
We want to remind you that we will never send you a text messages asking for personal or confidential information about you or your HFCU accounts. If you receive a message like that, it's a scam. Please contact us to let us know.

Message and data rates may apply. Must have active text messaging plan to join. Text STOP to (833) 739-4328 to cancel. See HFCU SMS Texting Terms and Conditions for more information.

Houston Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution serving Greater Houston, Texas, with branches in Sugar Land, Houston, Rosenberg and Missouri City, as well as Greenville, South Carolina.