Buying your next new or used vehicle can be very exciting, and usually financing with the dealer seems like the easiest way to make your purchase. You are probably paying way too much with a high interest rate loan, but it’s not too late to potentially save hundreds to thousands of dollars over the life of your auto loan when you refinance with HFCU! Take advantage of our new auto loan rates as low as 4.50% APR*, or used auto loan rates as low as 4.50% APR*! We also have flexible terms and first payment date options available when you refinance.*
We also provide more potential savings by helping you protect your investment and extend the life of your vehicle with our Protection Products, which include Extended Warranties, GAP Plus, Debt Cancellation Protection, and Tire, Wheel, Windshield, and Dent & Door Protection.¹
Start saving more money with HFCU! We make the process of refinancing your new or used auto loan quick and easy! Apply to refinance today, and let us help you save on your auto loan! Start your application by clicking the link below, or calling us at 281-243-0555, or toll-free at 1-(844)-VIP-HFCU (847-4328). Our Electronic Lending Team hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. CT and Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. CT. If you would like to bypass the waiting queue and receive a call back, you do have the option to leave a message and the next available representative will return your call.
Refinance Your Used or New Auto Loan Today!